Many ways to reduce unemployment in the Country.

1. The Policy of Government

The Economic plan of any government it depends on revenue and expenditure.

When we are talking about Fiscal policy it shows how government spends the budget and collects revenues to run the country.

Government collects revenue such as income tax,  sales tax, tariifs, custom duties, while they spend it on salary and roads.
These fiscal policy simply occurs when government reduces the tax and spends more money to make the economy of the country grow.

So because of this growth in the economy, individuals and firms have more money to spend, which raises output. This increase in production adds to growth and lowers unemployment in the economy of the country.

2. The Central Bank and Nigeria Monetary Policy

Monetary policy  simply means money supply, interest rates, credit in the economy, and rules guiding the financial sector issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on behalf of the government of the country.

In very year Central Bank of Nigeria makes their rules for easy operation of the financial sector. It manages money supply by:

the lending rates going down
the lending rates going up

lending less
lending more

Lending rate will affects any individuals who borrow money from banks to pay for their personal needs.

While Capital is also crucial for any business to survive so they must borrow at sensible interest rates to make profit.

So Getting a loan enlarges their business, which definitely increases output and profit, and helps the companies to create more jobs in the community.

3. Government Spending

Due to limited resources and competing needs, it is difficult to get required funds from Government to fix infrastructures that need urgent repairs.

However, if government spends money to repair roads, purchase hospital equipment, and fix public schools, its effect on the economy is visible.

The effect, repairing a road, will have on employment is that many laborers will get a job from there.

4. Agriculture Sector Reform

When talking about Agriculture in the country is the second largest employer of labor in Nigeria. The agro allied value chain can become the hub for creating more jobs for the Country.

If the Country can produce one agric commodity; this would not only reduce unemployment but also feed the country as well.

5. Government Intervention in Micro Lending

The government can disburse money to micro finance banks for lending to market women, petty traders, and artisans to stimulate economic growth.

How it will work is that the bank will ask these people to form corporative societies, to enable members get small loans to expand their businesses.

The corporative societies will act as a guarantor for members to ensure borrowers repay the loans.

This plan can help many poor Nigerians become self-reliant and as their business grows; they will create jobs as one of the Ways to Reduce Unemployment in nigeria.

6. Getting Professional Education

Education sets people free from poverty. Educated people, especially professionals are assets to the nation.

For example, a lawyer could specialize in corporate or marine law. These professionals may work in public service or set up their own practice and employ individuals to work for them.

Let us encourage professionalism so they can become employers as one of the Ways to Reduce Unemployment in nigeria.

7. Finishing School

Government has failed to fund the education sector, which have led universities to turn out half-baked graduates with little chance to secure employment.

Thankfully, grooming schools have come to the rescue to retrain and make these graduates valuable and employable.

8. Changing University Curriculum

You can change university curriculum to introduce subjects to train undergraduates for skills that are lacking, but essential for the labor market of today.

The present limited curriculum must change to add subjects such as cybernetics and robotics, computer animation, web courses, data capture, and other technology courses.

9. Training Entrepreneurs

Government can start a program to train entrepreneurs instead of allowing unemployed graduates to search for jobs that are not there.

For example, the National Youths Service Corp program (NYSC) could become a one-year entrepreneurial training program for all graduates who will pass out to create jobs.

In addition, you can set up an internet business by becoming a blogger, website designer, and copywriter, to reduce unemployment in Nigeria.

10. Setting Up Customer Service Centers

You can set up customer service business, to serve the global community.

All that is required is for employees to accept excellence as a personal value and be able to speak English without any accent, to be able to work for firms abroad.

A customer service center, which can employ large numbers of people, is a doable business that can reduce unemployment.

In Conclusion:

Let us all join hands to provide jobs for unemployed people, mostly made up of youths.

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