1. Freelancing

Freelancing is quite interesting as well as a convenient way to make money as a student in Nigeria. This is because freelancing is flexible, you can either decide to carry out part-time jobs as well as full time jobs, depending on whether you have the time or not. Freelancing involves working for an employer either from home or any where you prefer to work from. All your client is interested in is you getting the job done. You also set the price based on your decision or what the job demands.
There are several jobs you can do as a freelancer, some of which are, copy-writing, graphics design, digital marketing, social media marketing, web designing and development and so much more. Now you ask yourself, how do I go about this? Well, there are popular freelancing sites where you can register and start making money as a student in Nigeria. The popular ones are
To be sure you can make money from these sites, you need to make sure you have the required skill to do it and not just any crap job. This is because, most clients on this client want only professional works.

     2. Blogging

Ahah! This is actually my favourite amongst the list. As for me, this was my choice as a student while in school, and all I can say is that it really paid off. Blogging is the art of creating contents for your readers irrespective of your niche which you have sound knowledge about.
To create a blog in Nigeria is easy as you already have wordpress to take care of the ‘I dont know coding issue’. All you need do is
    • Choose a domain name (e.g zeem.ng)
    • Create a blog
    • Start sharing relevant contents
    • Monetize using google adsense or any other adnetwork of you choice.
Little Tip: Instead of worrying yourself about what to blog about, you can as well just create a school blog and post events and recent happenings in your school. Although, you can not make so much as you will if you blog about certain niches like tech, health, make money online blogs as so on.

      3. Become a Tutor

If you are a student and you are proficient in any specific subject.  You can be a private tutor and start making some money as a student. All you have to do is make sure you have the right materials and also tutoring skills and your are good to go. Passing wrong info to your students is really bad as it can make such student dislike you and might spoil your business if you are not careful.

       4. Hair-Dressing

This is mostly for the ladies in school who also want to make money in school. If you are skilled in Hair-dressing, then you can be sure to make some money as you really do not need much capital to start such business. Most times, the ladies or few guys that make that hair bring their materials along, so the major tool you need are your magic hands.lol!
In school, there’l always be dinners, parties, shows, conferences and other kind of events. No one wants to look unkempt during these activities. So if you are one, you are sure to make few bucks off this business.

       5. Makeup Artist

There is this common saying that all females are MUAs on their own. Well that is not entirely true as there are really unique make-up artists in school which people try to feel the touch of their work on their faces. It is also lucrative because so many events go on in school.
To succeed in this line of business, all you need to get are you makeup kits, and your skill. Professionalism makes customers to revisit, do this right, make some money.

      6. Photography

Having pictures to look at after events is very important. People seek for good photographers both in school and outside school. Once you are a good photographer, you will be called often to cover events and other ceremonies.
You need to have the latest equipments like good cameras and all other tools alongside it. No one loves poor pictures, so its better to do your best to give your clients good quality only.

      7. Event Planning and Management

Most universities have halls for events like conferences, inaugural lectures and more. They usually need event planners for decorations and all other things to make these halls look beautiful. If you are one good event planner, you should be sure to get such jobs in school and make money from it.
So be successful in this type of job, try to do little branding of your self. Like getting a business name or even and enterprise name. Get business cards to share to clients before leaving, it’s not only in school you can get jobs, you can also get outside school.

      8. Buying and Selling (wears, used gadgets, etc.)

This is really a common means of making money as a student in Nigeria. Buying stuffs at lower prices and selling them for profit. Most things that are being sold here are mostly gadgets, used or new, clothes and also shoes.
To be successful in this kind of business, you need to know what audience you are targeting, what gender? How fast can I sell them? Ask yourself this questions and answer them properly, if you can, then you are on a way to making huge profit.

      9. Opening a mini restaurant

So many people believe even if there are 30 restaurants in one street, they would all make profits. This is because most times in school, students do not have the time to cook, especially guys, so most local eateries and even the big ones get customers.
To do this kind of business, make sure to get good cooks, it’s all about good food. If you can give your customers food that tastes good, you are sure to get revisits. Also make sure you have enough capital to start this business.

       10. Printing and Photocopying

In school, students really spend money on hand outs and other materials especially during continuous assessments and exams. You can get a small place in school and start the business of printing and photocopying materials for student.
Although, the cost of starting is capital intensive, but when you are sure to have the right capital to start, do not waste time.

        11. Graphics Design

Business owners in school require logos and also banners for their various businesses. If you are one good graphics designer, Then I bet you’l see some jobs to do during your stay in school.

         12. Website Creation

For programmers, you can also make serious money from creating websites for clients. This is because, only few people actually have the knowledge of programming and because of this, they tend to charge really high and still retain their customers. Also, no much capital is needed as the most important tool you need is your laptop and also your creativity. So why wait when you are sure you have the skills of programming?

         13. Online Registrations

So many people who claim to be students in school do not know how to use laptops. Hence, whenever they need to do online registrations and similar operations, they get stuck and look for people that they can pay to help. You can start this business and make money as a student in Nigeria. Make sure you have a good laptop, good internet connection and a good printer and a photocopying machine if necessary.

         14. Doing Assignments and Projects

There are so many lazy students around that will rather give out their assignments and projects than do it themselves. If you can do it why not, I have heard about people charging up to 10-20k to do a project for graduating student. Thats quite a good some of money.

         15. Laundry Services

Laundry services is quite a lucrative business to do in school as you can easily get customers. Not only students but also some lecturers look for such services. If you can handle it, you can start the business.
You need a good location and also contant water and power supply to make sure you deliver their dresses as soon as you can.

        16. House Painting and Interior Designs

Students staying off campus sometimes need a new touch to their apartments. If you know how to paint well, you can easily meet these people and negotiate prices. also for interior designers, you can design offices and houses for people.

       17. Hostel/Apartment Agent

Hostel agents make quite some money from the business. They help clients look for apartments for a fee. It is usually 10% of the total house rent. So for example, for 100K, the agent makes 10K.

       18. Gym Instructor

If you are well conversant with fitness training and practices, then you can open gym centre in school with the necessary equipments and get subscribers. It is also quite lucrative as you are not restricted by age or gender, several kinds of people come to the gym.

        19. Disc Jockey Services

Music DJs also find ways to make money as a student in Nigeria. For birthday parties, ceremonies and other form of events, DJs are needed. Events will be dry without some good music, If you are a DJ, put yourself out and make some bucks.

         20. Rentals

Although, this is capital intensive, but if you have the means why not? All you have to do is hire your clients your equipments either canopies, speakers and other event gadgets to get paid either per day or per hour. It all depends on the kind of agreement between both parties and you are sure to make some funds as a student.

         21. MC/Show Host

Are you are comedian? Are you outspoken? then this is for you. During my days in the university, once the MC is not doing well, everything becomes boring and tiring. So to be an MC or a show host, you have to possess the necessary qualities.

         22. Modeling

Are you tall? Are you beautiful or handsome? Nice Hair and Curves? Then why not be a model? In school, you have so many mini-business owners with different products and services, you can be the face of their business, on their banners as well as flyers. Try reaching out to them and negotiate deals.
Try to meet with clothing lines owners and shoes, they look for models most times.

         23. Part-Time Jobs

You can do some part-time jobs with some business owners. So far it does not affect the time which you go for classes. It can also be during weekends, you can work in eateries, stores and so on.

        24. Driving School

Although not popular, but can also be a way to make money as a student in Nigeria. If you have a car, or you have a friend that has, you can start driving school lessons for students and make some money.

        25. Car Wash Business

With adequate capital, you can have a location in school and construct a car cash. You should be expecting students and lecturers also. Note that the location should not necessarily be school, doing this diligently will help you make money as a student in Nigeria and survive well.

       26. Branding and Re-branding

Quite a number of business owners lack branding which affects their sales and profit. You can identify such owners and offer your service. You can also re-brand some and make them also realize what exactly is affecting them or faults from previous branding. If you do this properly, you are sure to make some money as a student in this country.

     27. Soap and Body Cream making

This might be one stressful way of making money as a student in Nigeria. But it really streams in some good profits. This is because most of the materials you need for this business are natural stuffs. No chemicals, all you need is learn how to make them and start selling for students and even lecturers.

    28. Baking and Pastries Making

If you know how to bake, make small chops, and even drinks like Zobo. You can supply these at events and even some big ceremonies in school like matriculations and convocations.

    29. Catering Services

Don’t let your cooking talent stop in your kitchen. Take it out and try to make money from it. You can decide to sell food at events that happen around your school and even in school. Try to be familiar with happenings in school so you do not miss out on some important events.

    30. Phones/Laptop/Computer Repair

I guess this is unarguably one of the most common businesses in school which students make money from . Some guys are really experts at repairing gadgets and also fixing problems. Such services they offer are laptop and phone repairs, OS upgrading and others.

    31. IT Training for students

If you are well grounded in areas like software engineering, application development, security and other tech-related issues, you can as well train people are get paid for it. You can organize private classe, during weekends or you just do it per semester.

   32. Sales of Handouts & Materials

If you are a good researcher, you can find out materials and hand outs that can be relevant to students and sell them. Always make sure they are clear to read and bold, once you sell quality hand outs, you see more students patronizing you which makes you profit in return.

     33. Football Viewing Centre

There are several football viewing centres around. As a student, you can get a small viewing centre in a students’ area. Football is the most popular sports in the world, you can be sure to get customers. Make sure you have LED Tvs to show live footballs and also a stable power supply and you are sure to make money as a student.

      34. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is simply promoting other people’s product or services and when they make sales, you also get paid commission. You can do this easily if you have quite a number of quality audience on facebook and other social media sites. All you have to do is share your contents and when someone buys from your link, you get your commission. You can join Jumia or Konga affiliate programme.

      35. Mini Importation

It is also possible to start mini importation business in Nigeria as a student. All you have to do is import very cheap goods from china and sell here in Nigeria. Try to sell stuffs that are in high demand in school environments like power banks, earphones and phone covers.

       36Bulk SMS Business

Opening a bulk SMS site is quite easy or you can just hire someone to build it for you. Its quite lucrative in school environments as you have the means to disperse information to a large audience once you have a phone number database.

       37. Opening a Cafe

You might be surprised but some students do not have laptops even though they can use them. You can build a small cafe where students come to surf the internet and they pay you. This is a big business because you must have quite a number of PCs for people to use.

       38. Fashion Designing

Compared to guys, most ladies opt in for this business. If you can accurately style clothes for your clients, then you are sure to make some money. Just make sure to deliver on time because we all know how some tailors can be, they just keep posting their clients which gives them a bad image already. If you want to make money as a student in Nigeria using this method, you must try to satisfy your clients always.

       39. Ushering

Ushers are like coordinators of an event and makes sure there is orderliness amidst guests at events, You can say it is also a subset a event planning. Ushers also get to be paid well, some students are lucky enough to usher at some events in school.

       40. Recharge Card Business

Although, there is just very little profit in this line of business, but it is also something one can do as a side hustle since it requires little or no stress to sell to students.
Now we have a complete guide of the ways by which you can make money as a student in Nigeria. You do no longer have to blame the government for not helping you. The best you can do is to help your self by following methods above.